Постановка "Out in the Open" в Hampstead Theatre - London - March 2001
In 2001, the actor appeared in a play entitled Out in the Open. His performance in the play as a gay hustler impressed filmmaker Joe Wright so much that he stayed on his radar and offered McAvoy parts in his movies, but to no avail, as the actor turned them down for years. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_McAvoy)
James McAvoy in a play by Kathy Burke. Set in the back garden of a house in east London, Tony (Mark Bonnar), who is HIV positive, has brought home a younger boy, Iggy (James McAvoy) from the pub. Tony continues to live with Kevin (Sean Gallagher), their flatmate, after the death of Frankie, Tony's lover. They are "haunted" by Frankie's mother, the zany, spliff smoking Mary (Linda Bassett,), who uses Tony as a way of keeping in contact with her dead son.
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